Page 3 - May 2022
P. 3
From the
Hello, dear friends!
My Indigo Sun team and our With the help of our talented and
community have a reason to celebrate dedicated graphic designer, Stephanie
today. It is the 3rd year anniversary of Davidian, we have released 36 regular
My Indigo Sun being a digital editions and 4 special issues since then.
publication, and this issue is our 40th
edition. What a journey it has been for me and
Let me share with you a little bit of us! For the past 3 years, not only my
history. The original Indigo Sun world has become bigger, and the
magazine started in 1993 and was Universe more familiar, but I met with
lovingly curated by Ginger McCord, an so many amazing people: healers,
astrologer from Houston, TX. Till 2018, writers, thinkers from all walks of life. I
Indigo Sun circulated as a paper feel honored and blessed that I am able
publication and was distributed mostly to share their wisdom and light with
through metaphysical stores around you, our dear readers.
Texas and several more states. The Thank you for opening monthly emails
August edition of 2018 was the last one from us! Thank you for flipping the
Ginger did before she passed away quite pages of the magazine, reading,
unexpectedly. I still have her last issue, listening, and watching. Thank you for
which has a picture on the front page sharing our magazine with others! With
titled “Love Has Wings”. For several the help of all our community, Our
months, the Indigo Sun community Indigo Sun is shining brightly. Wishing
didn’t have a publication. you all a beautiful May!
So, in February 2019, a couple of my
metaphysical friends and I started a Katerina and My Indigo Team
discussion about helping the Indigo Sun
rise again. A few months after that, we P.S. By the way, this edition is packed
with great content. :)
released our first edition. 3