Page 8 - May 2022
P. 8

don’t know. It was like having a light                 18 months to about 4 years, so this is the
        bulb go off in my mind. Wow! So that                   child starting to explore what it can own and

        explains why I said what I said when I                 call “mine.” Archetypally, this sign is drawn
        didn’t want to say it! Have you ever felt              to pleasure, comfort, and ease, so it is patient

        like that? Have you ever asked yourself,               and slow to get its feathers ruffled.
        “Why did I say that?” “Who inside of me
        said that?” Sometimes we will shock and  Taureans are soothingly calm and

        surprise ourselves and when you don’t                  gentle, and you cannot rush or push
        understand that the unconscious exists                 them as they will not yield. This is the

        you can feel really badly about yourself.              most stubborn sign of the Zodiac, and
                                                               before Taurus makes a move, they will
        Every month I will describe more                       determine whether it’s worth it to them.

        about how to become conscious of our
        unconscious archetypes and briefly                     Attracting partners is easier for them

        describe the Zodiacal signs one at a time.             because they ooze a warmth and
        This month we will describe the sign of                sensuality, and they need a lot of physical
        Taurus. Keep in mind, you may have the                 touch to feel related to others.

        Sun or the Moon in Taurus or it can be
        your rising sign which puts the opposite               It’s sometimes hard to get them out

        sign (180˚) in your 7th house (marriage                of their home as this is the proverbial
        and partnerships). As I did last month with  “couch potato” who can boringly stick to
        Aries, these descriptions of Taurus are                their carefully chosen routines.

        going to be some general characteristics of
        the sign which is ruled by the planet                  Security conscious and basically

        Venus. Here are a few possibilities of what            conservative, they can save their
        could become unconscious.                              resources so that when the time is right,
                                                               they can take advantage of financial

                 Taurus - the Bull/                            opportunities and create even more
                                                               abundance. Taureans take pride in being
                       the Builder                             self-sufficient, and their material needs

                                                               are simple but definitely luxurious.

             Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac              They can be counted on to complete

         (approximately April 21 through May 21),              whatever they start and will work steadily
          and this signs primary needs are security,           towards their materialistic goals not just

          permanence and acquisition so its values             for the practical sense of ownership but
         are linked to what it can possess and make            because owning a home or business gives
         constant. Developmentally, it is from about           them the stability and peace of mind that

        8                                 permanence affords them.
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