Page 12 - May 2022
P. 12
yourself daily that you are what these all other aspects. Metaphorically, they
words represent, and only these words. are drops of water in the thought-form
ocean of God. You see, in Truth, there
Each one of us in form is connected to can never be separation from God.
our mighty I AM presence. However, the
I AM, or The Monad, vibrates at such a God is singular…the Source…Prime
high frequency that it is oblivious to our Creator…the All that Is. If this is accurate, it
current seeming existence in this fallen, only stands to reason that NOTHING could
low vibrational realm. The Christed exist outside of it, as there is no outside
consciousness level of awareness exists of everything. This is a simple statement,
between the lower realms and the I AM yet the implications are profound. Just the
and can act as an intermediary between integration of this one concept into your
both. While Christed consciousness is consciousness has the power to change your
aware of what is going on here, it exists worldview permanently.
in the Illumined, non-polarized state of
the Unified Field. God is ALL that IS.
What does that mean? Simply, that Everything exists WITHIN God.
within the Illumined Worlds, which
exist outside of separation and God lives in you and through you AS
physical densification, all beings know YOU.
themselves to be God. While they exist
as individuated aspects of God, they It is time to build on the previous Truth
experience themselves to be One with with another layer of that understanding. 12