Page 9 - May 2022
P. 9
So, what could possibly be in the “Rationalism and superstition are
Shadow? complementary.
The total opposite as the psyche It’s a psychological rule that the brighter the
is made up of pairs of opposites. light, the blacker the shadow.
Jung postulated that whatever In other words, the more rationalistic we are
we are highly identified with, the in our conscious minds,
exact opposite is going to be in our the more alive becomes the spectral world of
unconscious to the same degree. the unconscious.”
Therefore, each sign is paired with —Carl G. Jung
an opposite and the opposite of
Taurus is Scorpio. People Who Are Our Opposites
Scorpio is erotically sexual, Opposites need each other to complete what
passionate, and intense. This is incomplete in themselves. As we strive
is the sign that rules intrigue, more and more toward wholeness, we will be
mystery, and constant crisis is mysteriously drawn only to those people from
not unusual for them as they whom we will learn about ourselves, even
exhibit the total opposite of the though at times that can be rather painful. As
calm, patient, and peacefulness a society, as a culture, we tend to minimize
of Taurus. This is the sign most the growth and emphasize the pain. But as the
prone to experiencing emotional saying goes if there is no pain, there is no gain.
extremes in their behavior. Often
probing, suspicious and paranoid, To be continued…
seeing danger and ulterior motives
where none exists. Scorpio can Rebeca Eigen
coercively and compulsively
manipulate others to dig up the
muck of what is below the surface
hidden in the underworld of
emotions, petty vendettas and
feelings but rarely lets on what
they feel. Seeking power and
control, fears of revealing or being
known, this secretiveness can be
experienced by their partners as
cold, calculating, and icelike. 9