Page 6 - May 2022
P. 6
Depth psychology says that our psyche
is a closed system which means that
everything that has ever happened to
us or around us is in our unconscious
from day one. We can’t even remember
what happened last week so there is a
huge store house of history that we all
carry with us into our relationships.
Even past lives (seen best by the nodes
of the Moon and our 12th house energy)
are influencing our everyday emotional
reactions and decisions.
Our psyche is a three storied Universe.
Our conscious, our personal unconscious
and the collective unconscious. Our
personal unconscious is the repository
of many forgotten memories, painful
ideas that are repressed (i.e. purposefully
The Alchemical axiom, “As above so forgotten), subliminal perceptions
below, as within, so without,” clearly and contents that have never reached
informs us that we are all energy. consciousness or are not yet ready to
When you can live your life with this reach consciousness.
awareness, you will know the Universe
has always had your back. You just The collective unconscious is where
didn’t know it, and the constant victim myths, primordial images which
consciousness of the Piscean Age will constitute the archetypes that astrologers
no longer be a viable option. know as planets reside and where we are
all connected and truly one beyond time
Two Centers to the Psyche and space. These archetypes are drives
or patterns of psychic content, ancient
Carl Jung postulated that there are two imprints that constitute a dynamic
centers to our psyches. Our conscious ego process going on in our psyches. Because
and the unconscious Self (with a capital each of us is made up of a variety of
S which I will explain in more detail in archetypes, splinter personalities can get
a future issue) so what we know about repressed or split-off from our conscious
ourselves is like the tip of an iceberg as so awareness — these Jung called our
much of our being is in our unconscious. Shadow complex.