Page 11 - May 2022
P. 11

Spiritual Truths for

                         Your Contemplation

              Expand your consciousness                        “In Truth, the very essence of you is divine.

           through contemplation of these                      While the ego is the “sinner,” the real you is

                    spiritual teachings.                       God, itself. Your divine nature is:

        One of the ways spiritual seekers work to
        integrate higher understandings is through             ENDLESS

        the contemplation of spiritual truths. I               FORMLESS
        often tell my students that to contemplate             SINGLE
        an understanding is to hold it gently,

        allowing for the fullness of the concept to            BEING
        emerge without grasping or feeling that                KNOWLEDGE

        one has to think hard about it. Here, I offer          BLISS
        you an excerpt from my recently published
        book, Rending the Veils: A Primer on                   Look back now at each of those words,

        Spiritual Awakening. This passage comes                one at a time, and allow the fullness of
        from chapter Basic Truths, and should offer            what each word represents to enter in your

        you an opportunity to begin to integrate               consciousness. Really take your time and
        the following:                                         contemplate what it means to be SINGLE,
        your divine nature,                                    meaning not only is there only one of

        there is only One appearing as                         you, but you are the only one appearing as
        everything,                                            everything. Meditate on these words and

        you are individuated but never separated,              commit them to your memory. Remind
        and your life is your spiritual path.

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