Page 15 - May 2022
P. 15

How to Improve Eye Health

        For the past couple of years, many of us               screen shouldn’t be brighter than the
        found ourselves spending more time at                  surrounding light, or your eyes will have

        home, relying on computers, phones, or                 to work harder to see. Adjust your room
        tablets. Screens have become our tools for  lighting or your screen lighting and

        work and toys for entertainment. Is all this  increase the contrast on your screen to
        screen time bad for our eye health? We                 reduce eye strain.
        did some research, and the short answer

        is yes. Since our eyesight is probably the             3. Give your eyes a break – The
        most important of our five senses, let’s not  American Ophthalmological Society

        turn a blind eye to eye health. Here are               recommends using the 20-20-20 rule to
        some tips and suggestions.                             reduce eye strain. Take a break every 20
                                                               minutes by looking at an object 20 feet

        1. Distance - Keep your screen about                   away for 20 seconds. This gives your eyes
        an arm’s length or 25 inches away from                 a break and allows them to refocus.

        your eyes – your eyes work harder when
        the screen is close to your face. Also,                Eye health goes hand-in-hand with
        the angle of the screen should have you                general health, but a few nutrients are

        looking slightly downward.                             especially important for your eyes.

        2. Adjust lighting – Most screens
        have a brightness adjustment. Your

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