Page 13 - May 2022
P. 13

We now recognize  in a Himalayan cave, your life, moment
                                    that God, or               by precious moment, IS your spiritual
                                    Spirit, is ALL             path. It is your level of conscious

                                    there is; therefore,       awareness and how you live your life
                                    everything is Spirit.  which determines your rate of evolution

                                                               and amount of awareness of your divine
                                    This particular            connection, not the compartmentalized
                                   Truth leads to              “spiritual” things you do in your life.

                                   one of the most
                                   fundamental                 It is crucial that you understand this

                                   teachings in our            because it will allow you to begin looking at
        work, which is that your life is your                  the totality of your life and your individual
        spiritual path.                                        experiences for the clues pointing to where

                                                               your consciousness has remained ensnared
        You have been taught to categorize and                 in the dream of duality.” (pp. 33-38)

        compartmentalize aspects of your life,
        but it was never a remotely accurate way  It is my honor to share these words
        to view your life. You aren’t spiritual here  with you and to be a small piece of your

        and there, but “regular” or “normal”                   journey; a journey back to a home you
        everywhere else.  Remember, you live,                  never, in highest Truth, departed.

        move, and have your being IN Spirit, and
        everything in your life has been placed                May we all walk in love together,
        there by Spirit for the express purpose

        of assisting your expansion into greater                               Shusara
        levels of awareness, guiding you home.

                                                                               Shusara Akona Kumara is a mystic
        You learned from early on that you                                     visionary, alchemist and founder of
        had to search outside of yourself for                                  The Kumara Center for Spiritual

        God. You were taught different ways to                                 Awareness in Charlotte, NC.
        connect with God, be it through church,                After a kundalini awakening in 2007, Shusara

        praying, meditation, being in nature, etc.  embarked on an intense spiritual journey to
        Perhaps you were told that if you wanted  discover Truth and was led to her teacher and
        to realize God, you had to become more                 mentor, who guided her through the awakening

        spiritual and there were ways to do that.              process of rediscovering her divine nature. She is
                                                               the author of the book Rending the Veils: A

                                                               Primer on Spiritual Awakening which was
        However, whether you live a purely                     released earlier this year.
        secular life as an atheist or spend decades  
        as a spiritual ascetic deep in meditation

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