Page 22 - December 2024
P. 22

interesting to note that the last transit              creative ways to manage resources more
        of Neptune in Aries was 1861 – 1875,                   efficiently.  The finite nature of precious

        coinciding with The Civil War and                      natural resources, time and energy
        the reconstruction of the country                      included, has been revealed, forcing us to

        that followed, for better or for worse.                be more sensitive to the abuses of Mother
        Coincidentally, Uranus also transited                  Earth and more willing to conserve and
        Gemini from 1858 – 1866.  The process                  protect our resources.  Our assumptions

        of karmic cleansing at the deepest level               about “solid ground”  have been
        applies to each of us personally, as well.             shattered, both symbolically and literally,

        The Karmic hens come home to roost                     forcing us to incorporate flexibility and
        for everyone this year.  The challenges                adaptability into our new life structures
        that will confront each of us are based                as we build them.   When there is no

        uniquely on our own karmic blueprint                   longer such a thing as “a sure thing”,
        and totally dependent on how well we                   and our illusions of control are finally

        have dealt with the many mole hills we’ve  gone, we become much more careful
        encountered over the past few years,                   and conscientious about how we choose
        especially since Saturn entered Pisces                 to spend energy.  One Uranus in Taurus

        in March of 2023.  If they have been left              lesson in particular, new and creative
        unattended, those mole hills are likely                ways to ground energy, will come in

        to feel like mountains this year.  If we               very handy as we begin to navigate
        have been doing the work all along,                    the dizzying speed of technological
        mindfully taking responsibility for each               breakthroughs and advancements, which

        karmic debt encountered, then this year                change life as we know it, that always
        will likely be one of excitement about the  coincide with Uranus in Gemini.

        future and renewed inspiration to move
        forward and take action to create a more  The Mercury retrograde cycle occurs in
        meaningful and fulfilling reality.                     the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

                                                               this year.  This, coupled with the 2025
        We’ll get a glimpse of Uranus in the sign              Chinese Year of the Snake beginning

        of Gemini, where it is more comfortable                on 1/29/2025, the long retrograde of
        and free to express its basic nature.                  Mars in Cancer, and Jupiter’s shift into
        However, these last degrees of Taurus                  Cancer in June, reminds us to keep one

        are likely to exaggerate and emphasize                 foot on the accelerator and the other
        the lessons of the past six years since                foot on the break.  External events, as

        Uranus entered Taurus in May 2018.                     well as instinctual/intuitive “nudges”
        Insecurity over resources has resulted in              will provide us with many reminders to
        changes of the personal value system for               “curb the fire”, check the impulse, and

        many, as well as awareness of new and                  force us to carefully think through and
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