Page 23 - December 2024
P. 23

assess decisions about the new direction               predict what these events will be, or the
        we want to take.  It is a year to allow the            intensity and trauma required to catapult

        vision of the future to take form and lay              us into the next age.
        anchor in consciousness, but temper

        the impulse to recklessly forge ahead                  Personally, as I meditate on the
        until the timing is right.  There will be a            astrological possibilities for 2025, I sit
        serious need this year for “Sacred Space”,  teetering on the edge between fear and

        a safe place of reflection and for healing             excitement.  It’s very similar to the feeling
        and forgiveness of past wounds, as well                I get every time I am about to perform/

        as what Joseph Campbell calls “creative                speak/ present before an audience.  It is
        incubation”, a place to allow your vision              not comfortable, but it has never stopped
        for the future to unfold, naturally and                me.  I know that this place of paradoxical

        without force.                                         feelings provides me with the creative
                                                               edge I need to do my best work.

        If we’ve learned our Saturn/Neptune in                 Learning to walk the tightrope between
        Pisces lessons well, we have developed                 the two has been a major piece of work
        a closer relationship with “Higher Self”,              on my life’s journey, and provided me

        learned to trust our intuition and rely                with one my greatest super powers.  I
        more heavily on “spidey sense”, become                 leave you with the wisdom of my favorite

        more accepting and tolerant of others’                 fortune cookie ever received, and a
        differences, and to “walk our talk”, or                perfect thought to sum up 2025:
        practically apply spiritual principles

        to everyday life and reality.  This year,                 Courage is simply fear that has
        we will no doubt find ourselves often                                 said its prayers!

        teetering on the brink between graceful
        surrender to that over which I have                    FYI, I will be exploring the major themes
        no control and active self-assertion/                  of the coming year more deeply in my

        defiance/open rebellion against injustice              annual in-person full day workshop,
        which simply cannot be tolerated;                      Transits of 2025, on Saturday, January

        between resolution/completion of past                  11, 2025.  Space is limited, so pre-
        karmic patterns and hope/optimism                      registration is required.  If you would
        about future potentials.  The death and                like more information about this event,

        birth of ages is always accompanied by                 please contact me via email at hiakam@
        tumultuous events spanning several           

        generations that force us to release what
        has been before in order to fully embrace
        what is to be. There is simply no way to
                                                               By Kimberly McSherry
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