Page 28 - December 2024
P. 28

States, as the presidential inauguration
        approaches in January, Mars retrograde                 Uranus’s ingress into sidereal Taurus since
        is expected to intensify political drama,              May 31, 2024, has already contributed

        adding to the already sensational                      to turbulence in U.S. politics. Key events
        developments in the political arena.                   reflecting Uranus’s influence include rising

                                                               concerns over President Biden’s leadership
        In addition, an important astrological                 and his decision not to run for re-election.
        alignment during this period is the                    The political landscape has been further

        opposition of retrograde Cancer Mars                   shaped by two unsuccessful assassination
        to Capricorn Pluto from December 26                    attempts on former President Trump,

        through January 11. This alignment may  Vice President Harris’s emergence as the
        further intensify conflicts, particularly              Democratic nominee, and the stunning
        in the Ukraine-Russia war and the                      return of former President Trump as

        tensions between Israel and Iran. It also              president-elect. Uranus, known for
        carries the risk of sudden disruptions                 symbolizing change and unpredictability,

        and heightened instability, adding to the  has clearly left its mark on these
        challenges of the retrograde period.                   transformative developments.

        Mercury retrograde in sidereal                         Another significant astrological event in
        Scorpio continues until December                       December is the Jupiter-Saturn square,

        16, prolonging familiar challenges                     which takes place between December
        such as miscommunications, delays,                     20 and 29. This challenging aspect often
        unexpected obstacles, and heightened                   impacts individuals with it in their

        anxiety. This retrograde period                        natal charts, manifesting as emotional
        demands patience and adaptability,                     struggles, such as a loss of motivation,

        requiring individuals to carefully                     feelings of insecurity, and a general sense
        manage their routines and maintain                     of unhappiness. Existential challenges,
        flexibility to navigate potential                      including difficulty finding direction in life

        disruptions.                                           and maintaining faith, may also surface.

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