Page 32 - December 2024
P. 32

sluggishness we feel in the winter months,             round—not just in summer. If we’ve
        the truth is that our habits from January              spent most of the year sedentary and

        to October play a much bigger role in how  indoors, our body’s detox systems (like
        well our bodies handle the detox season.               the lymphatic system) slow down, making

        The way we care for ourselves throughout               it harder to handle the cold season.
        the year builds the foundation for our
        health—and when we fall out of alignment,  The indulgences from October

        the holiday season can be the final straw              to January—Halloween candy,
        that pushes us toward discomfort.                      Thanksgiving pies, Christmas cookies,

                                                               and New Year’s cocktails—are simply
        Chronic Circadian Disruption: If                       the tipping point. They add to whatever
        we’ve spent most of the year ignoring                  stress, poor food choices, and lifestyle

        our body’s natural rhythms—staying up                  imbalances we’ve carried with us
        late, overexposing ourselves to screens,               throughout the rest of the year. If we’ve

        or not getting morning sunlight—our                    spent 10 months supporting our body
        cells struggle to detoxify effectively when  with nourishing foods, movement,
        winter arrives.                                        hydration, stress management, and

                                                               sunlight, occasional indulgences
        Daily Stress and Emotional Overload:                   won’t throw us off. But if we’ve been

        Stress isn’t just a mental burden; it creates  disconnected from these rhythms
        oxidative stress at the cellular level,                all year, holiday habits will feel like a
        throwing off detox pathways and water                  landslide.

        structure. When stress becomes chronic
        throughout the year, it weakens our body’s  Read the full article here

        ability to reset during the colder months.

                                                               Erin Furtado
        Inflammatory Food and Drink                            Specializing in prenatal care, children's

        Patterns: The occasional indulgence won’t              nutrition, women's health, hormone
        harm us—but when sugary, processed                     balance, and autoimmune thyroid

        foods, caffeine, and alcohol become                    conditions, Erin offers a wealth of
        routine throughout the year, our detox                 knowledge and expertise. Her mission
        organs become overwhelmed. By the time                 is to provide the tools and knowledge

        winter arrives, symptoms flare as the body             needed for individuals to thrive, blending
        attempts to clear out the backlog of toxins.           traditional wisdom and quantum health

                                                               solutions with cutting-edge techniques to
        Lack of Movement and Outdoor Time:                     fully nourish the mind, body, and soul.
        Physical activity, time in nature, and       

        exposure to sunlight are essential year-
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