Page 31 - December 2024
P. 31
When our body’s structured water is to restore cellular coherence and clear out
maintained, we thrive. However, when this the accumulated load from environmental,
delicate system is disturbed, symptoms emotional, and dietary stress.
like fatigue, congestion, inflammation, and
sluggish digestion can emerge. Holiday Habits That Disturb
Cellular Balance
Several factors can throw off the The holiday season’s indulgences aren’t
structure of water within our cells: doing us any favors in maintaining
Toxins: Pesticides, pollutants, and structured water or promoting detox. Our
environmental chemicals disrupt bodies endure a lineup of challenges:
water’s molecular organization, making A candy holiday (Halloween) floods the
detoxification more difficult. body with sugar, spiking inflammation
Inflammatory Foods: Sugar, processed and disrupting hydration.
foods, and alcohol not only dehydrate A pie holiday (Thanksgiving) piles on
the body but also impair cellular water’s processed carbohydrates and alcohol,
structure, leading to sluggish elimination creating a heavy toxic load.
and increased symptoms. A cookie holiday (Christmas) adds
EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields): more sugar, plus stress from holiday
Constant exposure to devices like cell preparations.
phones, Wi-Fi, and electronics disrupts A booze holiday (New Year’s Eve)
the electromagnetic environment within introduces even more toxins that burden
the body, disorganizing structured water the liver and disrupt water balance
and contributing to oxidative stress. within cells.
Negative Emotions and Chronic Stress:
Emotions carry energy that directly Couple these habits with less time
influences the water inside us. Chronic outdoors, reduced sunlight exposure,
stress, fear, and anger can distort and increased time spent in closed spaces
structured water, impacting cellular with recycled air, and it’s no wonder we
health and detox pathways. feel run down during the winter months.
These habits throw off our structured
Sounds normal for most people water, impair detoxification, and leave us
today doesn’t it? feeling congested, fatigued, or inflamed.
When structured water becomes
compromised, our body initiates what we Year-Round Habits Matter More
interpret as cold-weather symptoms to Than Holiday Indulgences
reorganize and detoxify. These symptoms While it’s easy to blame holiday
are a natural sign that the body is attempting indulgences for the congestion, fatigue, and 31