Page 34 - December 2024
P. 34

A Case Study:

                            Persistent Heart Palpitations

        Food plays a critical role in our overall              my client sought my expertise. One
        health and well-being, serving as both                 powerful diagnostic tool we utilize is

        fuel and medicine for our bodies. From                 a comprehensive stool test. Allow me
        physical health to mental wellness,                    to share just a glimpse of the results
        the impact of what we eat cannot be                    and what they reveal about my client’s

        overstated. By making mindful food                     condition:
        choices and understanding the profound

        effect nutrition has on our bodies, we can             Key Markers from the Stool Test
        unlock our potential for optimal health,
        disease prevention, and enhanced quality               Steatocrit: This marker helps detect

        of life.                                               increased levels of fat in stool, which

                                                               can indicate issues with fat absorption
        In November 2023, a client came to                     or digestion. It’s a valuable tool for
        me with a troubling issue: persistent                  identifying potential problems in the
        heart palpitations. Despite undergoing                 digestive system. Elevated levels indicate

        a series of tests—including an EKG,                    poor fat absorption. This often points
        echocardiogram, and heart monitor—                     to issues within the pancreas or small

        Western medicine offered no definitive                 intestine. Imagine your body missing
        answers. Every result showed normal,                   out on essential nutrients; it’s no wonder
        leaving my client frustrated and without               palpitations can persist.

        a clear path forward.

                                                               Elastase-1: This pancreatic enzyme
        The Turn to Nutrition                                  is measured to evaluate the quantity of
        By late January, in a bid to find relief, my           pancreatic enzymes present. Testing

        client consulted a nutritionist. Dietary               elastase-1 levels can be useful when
        changes brought some improvement,                      determining if supplemental pancreatic

        but the palpitations continued to plague               enzymes could benefit a patient,
        them. It was clear that something deeper               particularly in cases where the pancreas
        was at play.                                           may not be producing sufficient enzymes

                                                               for proper digestion. Low levels suggest
        Seeking Real Answers                                   pancreatic insufficiency, leading to

        Determined to uncover the root cause,                  improper digestion and nutrient

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