Page 35 - December 2024
P. 35

absorption. Since the heart requires                   Pinpointing the Underlying Issues

        specific nutrients to function optimally,              By examining these markers (and many
        deficiencies here can trigger symptoms                 others), we pinpointed the underlying
        like palpitations.                                     issues contributing to my client’s heart

                                                               palpitations. We’ve conducted multiple
        Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA):  tests and are making lifestyle adjustments

        This immunoglobulin is an antibody                     to restore balance to their body. My goal is
        found in mucous membranes, such as                     to present this information in a digestible

        the gut, respiratory tract, and saliva. It             manner so you can make sustainable
        acts as the first line of defense against              adjustments that truly change your life.

        pathogens by binding to them and
        preventing their attachment to the                     The Broader Picture
        host’s cells. sIgA also helps maintain a               Western medicine, and even nutritionists,

        balanced immune response and plays                     often miss these nuances. The stories I hear
        a crucial role in mucosal immunity.                    break my heart, but they also strengthen

        Reflecting immune function within                      my resolve. There is hope, and I am
        the gut, very low levels of Secretory                  committed to helping you uncover hidden
        IgA indicate weakened gut immunity.                    stressors impacting your well-being. If

        This makes one more susceptible to                     you’re experiencing similar issues, don’t
        infections and inflammation, which                     hesitate. Book a free discovery call with me

        can stress the body and potentially                    today—there’s no time to waste.
        trigger heart palpitations.
                                                               I’m in your corner,

        I also discovered overgrowths of
        bacteria such as Staphylococcus and                                      Falyn Hunter Morningstar

        Pseudomonas. These can cause infections                                  Functional Diagnostic
        that impact the heart. Additionally,                                     Nutrition® Practitioner
        the bacterial phyla Bacteroidetes and                                    Multidisciplinary Healer

        Firmicutes were alarmingly low. These
        bacteria are crucial for digestion,                    Falyn Morningstar LLC

        absorption, immune regulation,               
        protection against pathogens, and even       
        influence metabolic and mental health.                 _Heal Together, Rise Together_

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