Page 20 - December 2024
P. 20

2025 - Teetering on the Brink of

                         The Great Cosmic Shift:

        Out With the Old, In With the … Yet To Be Imagined!

        The year 2025 is likely to be a year of                is an alignment of Pluto at 4 Aquarius,

        massive shifts and changes in collective               Neptune at 4 Aries, and Uranus at 4
        consciousness on several levels.  Along                Gemini, activated by Full Moon at 5 Leo-
        with Pluto’s permanent ingress into                    Aquarius, with Sun conjunct Jupiter in

        Aquarius, the outer planets, Uranus                    Leo, and the Nodes of the Moon entering
        and Neptune, as well as Saturn, begin                  the Aquarius-Leo axis.  In the never

        completion of their long journeys                      ending debate over when the Aquarian
        through Pisces and Taurus and shift                    Age actually begins, I’m marking my
        into the next signs, Aries and Gemini.                 calendar for  July 29, 2026.  It might

        The dominant elements of the Cosmos                    seem like a long way off, but with the
        shift from earth and water to fire and                 speed at which time appears to be

        air, and we begin a great transition of                moving these days, it will be here sooner
        energetic focus and attention.  We move                than we think.
        from the urge to ground and integrate

        energy, with an emphasis on security,                  Meanwhile, in 2025, we’ll be devoting
        protection, and stability, to the urge                 much time and energy to clearing,

        to take action, with an emphasis on                    releasing, and making peace with the
        courageous (or sometimes reckless) risk- past as we lay the foundation for what is
        taking, a willingness to experiment with               to come.

        new possibilities, and the need to explore
        uncharted territory.  The astrological                 The theme of “teetering on the brink” is

        shifts of 2025 are powerful indicators                 supported by several astrological factors.
        of major karmic completion in order to                 As Neptune and Saturn complete their
        pave the way for new beginnings.                       transits through the last degrees of

                                                               the last sign, Pisces, and the Nodes of
        Symbolically, just as several powerful                 the Moon (and therefore the eclipse

        planetary characters hover between                     cycle) move into the Pisces-Virgo axis,
        signs, we will be dealing with the last                the cleansing of the “Karmic Slate”
        remaining remnants of the Piscean Age,                 becomes both a personal and collective

        while hovering on the edge of The New                  imperative.  On some level, we will feel
        Age of Aquarius.  In July 2026, there                  a certain urgency to cleanse and release

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