Page 15 - December 2024
P. 15

gives rise to the large or the large reduces           axis. The forces that control the patterns

        to the small. This recursive generation                of movement are called Attractors. The
        process of similar but different forms                 Attractors create the three basic patterns
        is exactly described in the Gnostic                    of movement in the pictures below.

        creation story in Part I. The parts or                 The first pattern shows the objects
        created spiritual beings looped back on                rotating into a single point or singularity

        the Whole to co-create or generate new                 in the axis center. The second pattern
        beings of differing vibrations. Vibrations             is like a rotating loop around the
        in this case can be defined as levels of               center point. The third pattern forms

        consciousness.                                         a continuous loop where no point or

                                                               object ever repeat the same trajectory or
        Entropy--Even speaking of seemingly                    touches another point. This is a fractal
        embedded predictably deterministic laws                pattern. At a certain juncture depending
        like gravity and Newtonian mechanics,                  on the initial number input (the initial

        we must acknowledge that chaos is                      condition) it displays the organized
        the ultimate outcome. Why? Entropy.                    butterfly pattern shown or it flies off into

        Entropy is the degradation of the matter               uncharted infinity (chaos). No wonder
        and energy in the universe to an ultimate              it’s called the Strange Attractor.
        state of inert uniformity. Nothing is

        permanent in this world. Everything                    Human beings are dynamic objects
        degrades—our bodies and ultimately all                 moving through space. I submit that our

        features of the universe. We are like a                attractors are levels of consciousness,
        bubble, a ripple in the quantum energy                 the force of our minds that govern
        field from which we arose, and bubbles                 our actions either consciously or

        eventually burst.                                      unconsciously. To understand the

                                                               significance here, let’s go back to where
        AN ATTRACTIVE                                          we started with the Gnostics.

        Chaos theory is really about                           GNOSTIC REDUX
        understanding how dynamic objects                      Human Attractors--The Gnostics

        move through space and time. All                       identified three types of human beings as
        movement mathematically occurs                         defined by their levels of consciousness
        through phase space, which can be                      or spiritual awareness. These were the

        plotted as vectors on a Cartesian X and Y  pneumatic, psychic, and hylic. Translated

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