Page 13 - December 2024
P. 13

Aquarius rules revolutions and equality,               outworn its illusions. The unconscious

        brother hood of man and woman, we                      chooses who we fall in love with anyway
        are also in for major changes to our                   so it’s a good idea for this awareness

        relationships.                                         to become common knowledge. To
                                                               create healthier and more equality in

        The Age of Pisces is over. Best                        our relationships, we can now become

        friends is the new paradigm for                        curious as to what in us was projected
                                                               onto our partners in the first place. As
        relating in the Age of Aquarius.                       we learn to communicate about shadow

        We are headed for more conscious                       work with each other, we can strive for
        relationships as we each get to know                   more balance — together. True love
        more of our authentic selves, conscious                for each other must include seeing our

        and personal unconscious.                              darker selves come to light to be healed

                                                               and integrated through conscious
                Aquarius as an air sign rules                  awareness of our opposites. As Carl Jung
          awakening, liberation, a wholistic or                said, “I would rather be real than good.”
         detached perspective, communication

           of ideas/ideals and objectivity for a               Rebeca Eigen
                     rational perspective.

        As we do with our friends, we can tell
        each other the truth no matter how

        painful that truth is as freedom to be and
        self-knowledge must be revered over the

        impossibility of perfection. It’s time to
        replace the fantasy of romantic love as
        being the only criterion for choosing

        or staying with a partner which has
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