Page 11 - December 2024
P. 11

the points of view held or expressed by                loving member of our church.” No one
        consciousness. If an extreme, one-sided                who knew them in their daily life would

        tendency dominates conscious life,                     have thought them capable of their
        in time an equally powerful counter-                   unexplainable crime. What has happened

        position is built up in the psyche. This               is that this individual has repressed their
        first inhibits conscious performance and  dark side so much that the unconscious
        then, subsequently, breaks through ego                 overwhelmed them. They do something

        inhibitions and conscious control. The                 out of the ordinary precisely because
        law of enantiodromia underlies Jung’s                  they have denied and suppressed their

        principle of compensation.                             own dark side.

        The following is an excerpt from my                    The truth is we’re actually more

        Shadow Dance & the Astrological 7th                    vulnerable to our Shadow if we don’t
        House Workbook: pg 40                                  know about it. Our Shadow becomes

                                                               hostile only when it is ignored or
        Destructive and Dangerous                              misunderstood.

        The possibility of the dark side’s taking
        over a person is more prevalent and                    Another common example is the

        common in those who do not take the                    devout, pro-life Christian who flips
        time to question themselves and evaluate               to the other side and is charged with
        their behavior in daily interactions with              murdering a doctor they believe is

        others. People who are overly identified               an abortionist. They have committed
        with how “good” they are can be the                    murder themselves, but they can’t see

        most vulnerable because they become                    that they have done the same thing they
        lopsided. No one can be good all the                   are fighting against. Another well-known
        time. It’s humanly impossible. As Jung                 example is the powerful evangelist

        explains, it’s actually dangerous.                     preacher Jimmy Swaggart, condemning
                                                               sex from the pulpit, while cavorting

        For example, we’ve all heard stories                   with a prostitute. Any area we are overly
        or read in the newspapers about a                      identified with is subject to an experience
        person who murdered a lot of people                    of enantiodromia. We are more in touch

        or committed some horrific crime                       with our wholeness when we do not
        that was uncharacteristic of him or                    become lopsided in one extreme or

        her. The people who knew this person                   another.
        say, “This was such a good person in
        the community! He or she was the                       Jung also said that we do not always

        valedictorian in high school or a very                 know what the unconscious is

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