Page 16 - December 2024
P. 16

from Greek, this would be the spiritually- in their lives. An old popular TV show
        oriented, the mind-oriented, and the                   called Kung Fu was about an Asian monk

        materially-oriented. Let’s match this                  in the Wild West. All kinds of bad things
        information to the graphics above.                     happened around him. The theme of the
                                                               show was built around how he maintained

        Most spiritual traditions and religions                his inner equilibrium. His awareness
        believe in a higher power in a dimension               of higher forces enabled him to bring

        of harmony and unity. People of this                   personal order to the chaos around him.
        orientation actively work toward that state            That bubble of order and equilibrium is
        according to their best comprehension.                 spiritual consciousness in action.

        This type of attractor would lead to the
        tightly focused singularity depicted in the            Read part III in the next edition.

        first graphic. The mind-oriented are those
        who are unsure but questioning or seeking                                Peter Canova
        with a feeling that something greater may                                Peter Canova is an

        exist beyond material appearances. Their                                 international businessman
        consciousness would graph as a looser                                    who, after a series of

        but organized rotation around the center                                 life-changing spiritual
        point Attractor in the middle diagram. The                               experiences, began
        materially-oriented are those completely                                 writing on spirituality and

        taken in by material appearances with no               consciousness. He is the author of the 25x
        belief in any consciousness beyond their               award-winning First Souls Trilogy and

        own. That is ultimately chaotic and so                 has contributed to the popular Chicken
        relates to the last chaotically expanding              Soup for the Soul series. His latest book,
        graphic.                                               Quantum Spirituality has won 13 literary

                                                               prizes over the course of the past year and
        I don’t want to oversimplify or attach any             swept the American Book Fest Awards in

        judgment values to the speculations above.             four categories.
        Every consciousness type will experience     
        what appears to be randomness and chaos

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