Page 14 - December 2024
P. 14

Contemplating Chaos

         A Metaphysical and Scientific View on the Uncertain

        Part II                                                water temperature, land proximity,
        Read part I here                                       ocean depth, and ambient air pressure

                                                               kick in to make the point of landfall
        OF ORDER AND CHAOS                                     unpredictable. The best we can do is

        Our world is both orderly and chaotic.                 speak of probabilities. Speaking of
        Newtonian mechanics can predict the                    probabilities, the quantum field from

        planetary motions and gravity produces                 which our world arises is chaotic in the
        predictable universal effects. In this                 sense that quantum motions can only

        sense, science speaks of deterministic                 be described in probabilistic terms and
        conditions or predictable sets of                      never be absolutely determined.
        outcomes. But in many other instances,

        what starts as determinism gives way                   FORCES OF NATURE
        to chaos or unpredictability. Roll a ball              Fractals-- Chaos theory is about ordered

        down a hill and the deterministic law                  actions producing chaotic (differing)
        of gravity is in effect. But, you can’t                results. Science has noted natural
        determine the exact trajectory of the ball  and mathematical patterns related to

        or exactly where it will come to rest. You  chaos called fractals. These are similar,
        might be able to approximate the vicinity  repetitive (recursive) patterns occurring

        in which it lands but that’s probability,              at differing scales. Like a hologram, each
        not predictability.                                    fractal segment is a similar but slightly
                                                               different reflection of the whole of

        Chaos theory concerns itself with                      which it is part. Mathematically, minute
        variances in initial conditions of                     changes in the initial creative conditions

        deterministic systems leading to                       produce similar but unpredictably
        uncertainty.  Our ball can start under                 different fractal patterns.
        deterministic conditions, but it morphs                 A common example of fractals in nature

        into chaos as a result of minute changes               is a close-up of a Romanesco cauliflower.
        in wind or ground conditions as it moves  Each small segment looks like the whole

        downhill through time and space. A                     cauliflower.
        hurricane’s path can be predicted to
        a certain point but then variables like                On a scaled basis, you can say the small

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