Page 10 - December 2024
P. 10

I am relieved and hopeful for the future
        of the World.

        This is a country that had almost lost
        its way. We are a democracy and what

        democracy means to me is that each                     See — Carl G. Jung, Collected Works 6:
        individual has a vote and that is who won              Psychological Types, par 708
        this recent election. US!

                                                               The ubiquity of his references to
        I started to sense that an ‘enantiodromia’             enantiodromia (clinical, symbolic and

        was taking place and told my friends that              theoretical) emphasize that, for Jung,
        by text a few days before the election. We             this was not a formula but a reality, not
        were at the tail end of the transit of Pluto           only of personal psychic development

        in Capricorn and I had been waiting for                but of collective life as well. Over-
        years for something BIG to happen.                     emphasized therapeutically, it could

                                                               lead, of course, to always looking on
        The following is an excerpt From A                     the bright side of things or, conversely,
        Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis,               expecting the worst. Jung’s recognition

        by Andrew Samuels, Bani Shorter and                    of the inevitability of enantiodromic
        Fred Plaut                                             change helped him anticipate psychic

                                                               movement and he believed it was
        ENANTIODROMIA = ‘running                               possible both to foresee and also to relate
        contrary-wise,’ a psychological ‘law’ first            to it, such an attitude being the essence

        outlined by Heraclitus and meaning that                of consciousness.
        sooner or later everything turns into

        its opposite. Jung identified this as the              He applied the term to the emergence
        principle which governs all cycles of natural          of unconscious opposites in relation to
        life, from the smallest to the greatest.

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