Page 14 - October 2021
P. 14

A brief introduction to

                            the true history of Halloween

                Halloween: Day of the Dead

        Honoring our deceased loved ones and                   During autumn many celebrate their
        ancestors is a very important part of                  deceased loved ones between October

        life. Where you came from, what your                   31 through November 2. Families
        ancestors taught you are all a part of how  gathering together, having sacred,

        you live. When you honor your deceased  joyous ceremonies and sermons, all to
        loved ones, you are saying, “I love you,”              lift spirits, remind ourselves where we
        “I thank you,” “I will live on for you.”               came from and to keep the memory of

                                                               loved ones alive.
        Gratitude to those that came before you

        is what gives your life color, tradition,              Day of the Dead in Mexico is meant to
        and abundance. Societal pressures leave                guide the spirits of departed loved ones
        us so busy that we live on stress and                  in the afterlife.

        greed instead of love and honor.
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