Page 19 - October 2021
P. 19

government, believing this is the answer               “normal” despite outside influences.
        to human health and survival.                          Now as never before, people are waking

                                                               up to their own creative expression
        “The New Normal” is unique because                     and reclaiming their power! In times of

        it doesn’t have its own platform or                    mixed messages, outside influences, and
        rules, but rather, is piggybacking on the              the daily challenges of life in a Covid-19
        integrated digital, social, and societal               world, you can too.

        norm platforms we’re already used to. It’s
        natural to want to uphold the status quo,  Activity Time! Ask yourself questions,

        and assimilate to “The New Normal”.                    give yourself insights.
        Human beings NEED a reliable and
        relatable tribe to survive. However, right  Most of the confusion today stems from

        now, we’re feeling pressure from all sides  people simply not having important
        to conform without question:                           conversations with themselves.

        - Our social groups (friends, family and               - Complete openness and honesty with
        co-workers)                                            oneself create motivation for education!
        - Our societal affiliations (churches,                 - Education creates motivation for

        schools and governments)                               action!
        - Our digital influences (both of the                  - Action leads to your truest expression!

        above, plus a highly addictive and                     - Expressing your truest self leads to
        manipulative nature)                                   fulfillment & independence!

        Everyone’s circumstances, perspectives                 If you are supporting a stance or
        and consequences are unique. However,                  following a movement and don’t fully

        when it comes to the integration of a                  understand why, please do the exercise
        new morality and new social cues, we                   below! You might find yourself feeling a
        MUST take courage and responsibility                   different way by the end.

        to clear out the confusion between our
        personal normal, and the normal that                   Pick a topic you’d like to better

        other people believe we should take on.                understand about “The New Normal”.
        There is no beauty, diversity, or growth in  For 1 day, track any thoughts, habits, and
        just going along with what everyone else  questions on a piece of paper as you have

        is doing without first understanding and  them. The Question Guide below is a
        committing to yourself.                                good place to start if you’re not sure how

                                                               to initiate a conversation with yourself.
        This article is written to help you discern
        and develop your honest personal

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