Page 19 - July 2022
P. 19

Going forward for July

        The most crucial planetary event is going               the unprecedented crisis standpoint.  A
        to be the explosive conjunction of Mars,                conversation of a two state possibility may

        Uranus and the north lunar node Rahu in                 take hold during this period as the division
        the sidereal fire sign Aries.                           between the left and the right becomes

                                                                strikingly malicious.  During the same time,
        The energy of the powerful conjunction                  the former president Donald Trump may
        of Uranus-Rahu (July 14 – Aug 9) in                     take the center stage in the headline news.

        sidereal Aries will certainly be reflected              Interestingly, the former presidents: Bill
        in extremely tumultuous period for the                  Clinton, George W. Bush, Barak Obama
        United Sates, especially during July 30                 are likely going to be in the headline

        through August 2 period during which all                news as well - they all share Uranus-Rahu
        the three malifics: Uranus, Rahu and Mars               conjunction in their natal charts.

        conjunct together within a degree or less.
        Rahu’s karmic energy will certainly be on               Furthermore, the Saturn’s return to the
        display during this conjunction period.  It             sidereal Capricorn on July 14, joining Pluto

        will certainly affect the political climate             will certainly not let up the destructive
        (Mars) of the United States (Uranus) in a               and fearful period, war like atmosphere,

        big way as this period directly confronts               future uncertainties, senseless killings, and
        with the country’s Karma (Rahu).                        chaotic situations not only in the US, but

                                                                all around the world. The uncertainties
        It will probably be the most memorable                  and anxieties will clearly be reflected in the
        period of 2022 for the United Sates from                volatile world financial markets.

             Unprecedented Political turmoil, violence, and social

                            unrest in the USA (June 21 – Sept 20)

         The north lunar node, Rahu conjuncts                   States (Uranus) in a very significant way

         Uranus in sidereal Aries within 3 degrees  as this period directly confronts with the
         during June 21 - Sept 20, and within                   country’s Karma (Rahu).
         1 degree during July 13 - Aug 9.  In

         addition, Mars enters sidereal Aries                   The political turmoil and social unrest
         on June 27. This is one of the deadliest               in the United States (also due to the

         combinations of three major malefics                   overturning of the Roe vs Wade), racial
         coming together in the fire sign Aries, and  violence, west coast wildfires are likely
         Rahu’s karmic energy will certainly be on  to greatly intensify during this period.

         display during this conjunction period.                For democrats and the Democratic Party,
         This planetary combination will affect                 this period may continue prove to be

         the political climate (Mars) of the United             extremely challenging.                             19
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