Page 24 - July 2022
P. 24

Global Insights........

        The important challenging possibilities  shaking ideas that they must attend to.
        for July include:                                       Those with an open mind, who are willing

        June 27 – July 6:  A unique change in the               to listen and act on new ideas, are the
        way the current US administration deals                 ones to take our religious world to a new

        with respect to the Ukraine war and racial              level. Others will fade away with time.
        hate agenda. There will be a transformation             July 14 – Aug 9:  Extremely tumultuous
        of political strategy that might become                 period for the United Sates.  This

        responsible of a change in the current                  is probably going to be the most
        political agenda, and also foreign policy               memorable period of 2022 from the

        matters of this administration as the planet            crisis standpoint for the United States.
        Pluto with its tremendous energy has a power  A possibility of conversation of a two
        to irreversibly transform the field of politics         state solution may take hold during this

        to a new setting with a new set of norms.               period as the division between the left
        Expect some serious issues that the current             and the right becomes strikingly huge.

        administration could get tangled with.                  July 31 – Aug 2:  Natural and man-made
        July 1-2: Escalation of the ongoing war                 calamities causing destruction and loss
        between the Ukraine and Russia with                     of lives.

        some important milestones, natural and                  July 31 – Aug 3:  An outbreak of a new

        man-made calamities all around the world,  conflict affecting the United States of
        especially in the Middle East region.                   America.  Or it could be a man-made
        July 1 – Aug 9: The world religious leaders  accident or a mishandling incident by
        are likely to be challenged by earth-                   the government.

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