Page 26 - July 2022
P. 26

Planetary Energies for Individuals

        Pluto-Jupiter ninefold square (July 1-7) the way to go.  This conjunction can

        This is an important planetary event for                become dangerous, ruin your plans and
        people who deal with religion, religious                bring about an unexpected disaster. If

        and academic institutes. This ninefold                  something of this sort happens, consider
        square might create religious challenges                it to be a life test.
        as the planet Pluto with its tremendous                 Neptune-Rahu ninefold trine (and

        energy has a power to irreversibly                      Neptune-Ketu ninefold sextile) (July 19
        transform the field of religion and                     – Aug 4)

        academics to a new level or setting with a  Neptune-Rahu ninefold trine is going
        new set of norms.                                       to be very auspicious and favorable for
        If you birth chart has Jupiter and Pluto                those who have these planets favorably

        either in square, or/and if either of                   placed in their natal charts.  Expect
        these planets is currently active via your              monetary and power gains, promotions,

        Gocher (transit) chart, then you are                    improved prestige in professional and/
        about to face new challenges in your life.  or social fields.  The ideas that you
        Depending on the houses these planets                   always wanted to pursue but somehow

        occupy in your birth chart, you are going  could never get started, now will gain
        to have a totally new and very different                momentum, and it will be the time to

        and challenging experience in that                      follow your dreams. You will distinctly
        particular field. Be ready to accept this               feel the positive energy flowing through
        new challenge since you could receive                   you during this period.  It’s time to jump

        the rewards if you succeed.                             in and enjoy this period.
        Uranus-Rahu conjunction (and
        Uranus/Ketu opposition)  (July 14 –

        Aug 9)
        If in your birth chart, Uranus is in                   Jagdish Maheshri

        conjunction with the lunar node, Rahu,                 Professional Vedic Astrologer
        and if any one of these two planets are                For more information about services and

        active now via your Gochar (transit)                   classes, please visit
        chart, then you might want to consider       
        taking extra precautions in your

        professional and financial areas during                    Schedule a personal consultation
        this period. Staying low key is certainly

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