Page 21 - July 2022
P. 21

Is Russian-Ukraine war and senseless killing going away?

        In early part of June, it seemed that the              the sidereal Aries, and Mar’s entry in
        war between Russia and Ukraine was                     Aries at the same time.
        significantly slowing down. That clearly

        was the Neptunian deception.  As we                    During July, Russian aggression
        got closer to the last week of June, the               will continue with unprecedented

        war got accelerated and the bombings of  casualties. Until Saturn returns
        civilian areas in Ukraine rose due to the              to Aquarius (April 2023), the
        manifestations of energies of Uranus-                  Ukraine war is likely to continue its

        Rahu conjunction (within 3 degrees) in                 devastating course.

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