Page 29 - July 2022
P. 29

logical brain. When the amygdala senses  ourselves, we can dissipate future rage.
        one of our basic needs is not being met,               Easier said than done, but we have to

        then the animal or human reacts with                   start somewhere. Starting the practice of
        a protective rage because it feels its life            awareness, self-love, and using Ayurveda

        is in danger. For obvious reasons, a                   can all help.
        Rambo-style reaction is not healthy to
        ourselves, our loved ones, or society.                 Per Ayurveda, pitta-anger “heats up

        Shankar Vedantam, the NPR broadcaster  the blood, liver, and the heart, creating
        who reported this segment, said: “It’s                 internal fire” --- David Frawley,

        taken millions of years of evolution                   Ayurvedic teacher and writer
        to produce the human brain. It has an
        exquisite capacity for reason and logic”.              Per Ayurveda, anger and irritability are

        This means there is a valid reason for the  both manifestations of excess pitta dosha
        anger. By understanding the reason for                 (fiery personality type) in the channels

        our anger and having compassion for                    of the mind. When pitta is balanced,

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