Page 34 - July 2022
P. 34

What is Sentience?

             This month, an unusual and interesting topic has captured news headlines: A

               Google employee claimed that the AI (Artificial Intelligence robot) he was
              developing had become sentient! Blake Lemoine had been working on a bot
          designed to be the ulti-mate “chatbot” - one that could have a conversation with a

          person in a natural way (so, it didn’t actually feel like you were talking to a robot).
          This AI’s objective was to emulate human discourse, and to accomplish this, it was

             given tens of millions of human text conversations to train itself to talk like a
         person. This fantastic video from ColdFusion TV on Youtube shows conversations

               that the researcher had with the AI. Watch from 1min. 50 seconds till about 7 minutes.

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