Page 14 - April 2022
P. 14

Monthly Challenge

                       April Challenge

        We continue our Monthly Challenges,                    tempted to go back. Instead, find sources
        and this month’s challenge is to become                that empower you, give you peace, joy,

        mindful about what information enters                  balance, faith, and hope. If you are a
        your mind, and from what sources.                      source yourself, consider contributing to

        Observe how much it changes your life,                 My Indigo Sun magazine. Share your light
        your thoughts, feelings, and behavior.                 with others and allow us to amplify it!
        You may want to take brief notes on/in

        your calendar or write about it in a diary. For those of you who are continuing to
                                                               fast twice a month, the best days for it in

        Once you identify the sources that evoke               April are 12 and 26.
        fear in you or fear-driven behavior, shut
        them down. Completely! And never feel                  May the month of April open you to new

                                                               horizons of life understanding!

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