Page 5 - September 2022
P. 5

Tune in and see if any of these are                you might, you can no longer brush over,

                       resonant for you.                       sweep aside, or avoid. It might speak
        • You feel lost and unsure about the                   loudly; it might scream. Or it might

        trajectory of your life, and the traditional  whisper subtly, yet with such persistence
        resources that served you in the past are              that you simply cannot ignore it.

        no longer working.
        • Things that used to bring you joy are                Ultimately, it prompts a holy reassembly of
        falling flat.                                          who you are, and who you know yourself

        • You feel a persistent yearning—like                  to be. Life is speaking, and it’s asking you to
        something is missing or off.                           grow beyond where you’ve been.

        • You run from opportunity to
        opportunity, looking for some trace of                 During a 911, you may wake up to
        your old spark.                                        everything you’ve been keeping yourself

        • You’re being asked to radically change               too busy to acknowledge, and all the
        some aspect of your life (or life seems to             ways you’ve been squeezing yourself

        be forcing such a change on you), and                  into a box you didn’t create or desire.
        some part of your familiar identity has                All the parts of you seeking growth and
        been shaken or stripped away.                          evolution are calling for your attention.

        • You are hiding out or playing smaller                You may be directed to take action you
        than you know is possible for you.                     don’t understand or have feared. You may

        • You are grappling with the bigger                    be invited to embody greater courage,
        questions in life, such as, “What is the               truth, and alignment—to step into the
        purpose of life? Who am I, and what am                 space of the “and,” where all of you can

        I here to do?                                          be present and find room to thrive.

        We all undergo challenges in life and not  You’ve always been in search of this,
        all become a 911. The distinction with a               whether you are aware of it or not. At the
        911 is that there is a magnetic pull deep              core of you is a deep, primal long¬ing—a

        within ourselves, a luring forward, that               longing to meet yourself and live in
        accompanies the challenge. There is a                  union with the sacred, which is within,

        bubbling-up of new questions that, try as  beyond, and all around you.
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