Page 9 - September 2022
P. 9

knowledge, and it therefore,
        as a rule, meets with

        considerable resistance.
        Indeed, self-knowledge as a
        psychotherapeutic measure

        frequently requires much
        painstaking work extending

        over a long period of time.”
         —Carl G. Jung, AION:
        Researches Into The

        Phenomenology of the Self,
        paragraph 14

        As part of our initial

        ego development, we                          Think of Life Like a Teeter Totter
        each seek to embody a
        certain image of what                As we’re growing up, we split ourselves in half. One

        we want to be and all the            side of the teeter totter has all the acceptable traits
        characteristics that could           that we can identify with (both + and -), and the other

        have become part of our              side of the teeter totter holds all of the exact opposite
        conscious personality                traits. Yes, there is a paradox in life. Everything in the
        that we rejected early on            Universe is in opposites. Up/down, black/white, hot/

        constitute our shadow.               cold, happy/sad, loud/quiet, selfish/unselfish, etc. I have
        As long as we continue               said this in a previous issue, but I am going to repeat it

        to deny our shadow                   because it is important: the biggest and first hurdle is
        traits, they will remain             to recognize that there are people inside us that we do
        in the unconscious, and              not know.

        therefore will have a
        more distorted                the biggest and              As we are growing up, the good girl

        or primitive                                               or boy was told to be good, and all
        expression                    first hurdle is to           the bad people are over there on the
        than if we were            recognize that there            other side of the teeter totter. This is

        conscious of                 are people inside             how the split in our psyche begins.
        them. Our shadow            us that we do not              Naturally, we all want acceptance

        characteristics are                                        and approval, so we tell ourselves,
        often infantile,                     know.                 “I have to be good all the time,” and
        mainly because they                                        we try to live up to our values of

        are undeveloped.                                           idealism. Only now we are setting
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