Page 12 - September 2022
P. 12

situation. This is one of the few basic laws  the psyche is striving to be whole and
        of the psyche which is, without exception,             complete. In Modern Man in Search of a

        one hundred percent foolproof. As a rule               Soul, Jung says,
        of thumb, when such an uncomfortable

        situation occurs, when somebody really                 “...nothing is more unbearable than a
        “gets under your skin” and you want to                 tepid harmony in personal relationships
        know what “gets” you in the other person.  brought about by withholding emotions.”

        Say: “He is a dogmatic authoritarian
        (as aggressive as a bulldozer, or an                   In the Tavistock lectures, he explains,

        opinionated old bat…) and I can’t stand
        that!” Then take out the “He is” and put in  “You see there is perfect harmony here;
        an “I am” or “My complex is like” and you  but do not make the mistake of thinking

        will have a description of the complex at              that this harmony is a paradise, for
        work.”                                                 these people will kick against each other

                                                               after awhile because they are just too
        The theory of opposites is that whatever               harmonious.”
        characteristic or quality we are highly

        identified with, the exact opposite is in              If we are in a long-term, committed
        our unconscious to the same degree.                    relationship with a partner or a friend,

        When I was teaching workshops, I had                   they are going to notice things about us.
        a woman say to me, “I think I am a very                We will bump up against each other’s
        loving person and I think the opposite of  humanity. It’s inevitable, as no one can

        that would be hateful. I think everyone                go around for too long being totally
        should be loving and caring.” What I said  wonderful every single minute of every

        to her was, “If you are being loving and               day. As the saying goes, we all wake up
        caring all the time, then you are stuffing             on the wrong side of the bed sometimes.
        a lot of your real feelings and hiding your  We all say dumb things or make childish

        true emotional reactions from people.                  mistakes. These are called faux pas.
        No one can be authentic and be loving

        and caring all the time and be true to                 If we are hurting ourselves by not
        themselves. Stuff happens that wasn’t                  knowing something about our own
        fair to you. What do you do with that?”                behavior, we hope our close friends will

        Many people get in relationships where                 say something to us. When we cut them
        they will do exactly what their partner                off from being honest with us, we are

        wants all the time, thinking that this is              shooting ourselves in the foot, because
        how to keep the peace. It’s a false peace              we need friends who care enough about
        which will erupt sooner or later because               us to be honest with us. This is a true

                                                               friend. Of course, it all greatly depends
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