Page 16 - September 2022
P. 16
The Servant
and Analyst
The sign of Virgo which is the sixth sign They are usually overly humble about
of the zodiac (approximately August themselves and see what they could have
24th through September 23rd), and done better no matter how well they have
developmentally it is approximately from performed a task.
the ages of nineteen to twenty-six. In
this insecure time of our development, Approaching tasks in a practical way, they
we are just beginning to learn the have a strong capacity to analyze current
necessary skills that will help us become and future issues while simultaneously
productive members of society. Virgos avoiding unnecessary problems. This
worry obsessively about making mistakes, analytical and practical approach enables
so their concerns are to become the them to streamline a job, become a
efficiency expert at a chosen vocation or problem solver and make well thought out
craft. Due to their intrinsic desire to do a improvements that can restore order to an
job the right way, Virgos are conscientious otherwise chaotic situation.
and dependable. These characteristics also
enable them to completely and thoroughly This service-oriented quality can
discover and resolve their own mistakes. sometimes even mean assisting you to