Page 11 - September 2022
P. 11

“Since it is universally believed that man             abandonment             One way to realize
        is merely what his consciousness knows of  which was an                         we are caught in a

        itself, he regards himself as harmless and             emotional shock
        so adds stupidity to inequity. He does not             to our system.            shadow complex

        deny that terrible things have happened                This experience  is that it will show
        and still go on happening, but it is always            will have a lot            up in irrational
        ‘the others’ who do them. And when such                of emotional                  outbursts of

        deeds belong to the recent or remote past,             energy formed
        they quickly and conveniently sink into                around it, thereby       emotion that will

        the sea of forgetfulness, and that state of            becoming a                   bewilder us.
        chronic wooly-mindedness returns which                 complex that our
        we describe as ‘normality.’”                           ego cannot absorb into consciousness.

                                                               Jung says complexes can also be formed
        Some parts of us are easily recognized and             by “a moral conflict that derives from

        some take much longer if they are ever                 the apparent impossibility of affirming
        realized at all. The unconscious (the Self,            the whole of one’s nature.” Therefore,
        God within, Jung preferred the term the                our complexes behave like splinter

        Imago Dei) will generously bring to us                 personalities and will act as if they have
        repeating patterns until we start to question  a life of their own. One way to realize we

        ourselves and realize, this has happened               are caught in a shadow complex is that
        to me before. What does my unconscious                 it will show up in irrational outbursts
        want from me now from this experience?                 of emotion that will bewilder us. Why

        It is only reflection and journaling that can  is this bothering me so much? is a good
        keep us in dialogue with our unconscious               question to ask ourselves.

        who is consistently with us all the way,
        supporting us to evolve emotionally,                   Edward C. Whitmont in his book, The
        psychologically, and spiritually.                      Symbolic Quest, says,

                                                               It is the emotional coloring that will tell
          Emotional Outbursts Trigger                          us whether or not we are caught in a

                     Our Complexes                             projection. Since a projection is always
                                                               the visualization of a complex, it makes
                                                               itself felt by a strong affect charge. In plain
        The shadow is itself a complex of energy,              English, whenever a projection is involved,
        a split-off part of the psyche that has                it “gets” us, it “gets under our skin.” Our
        remained autonomous. A complex is                      reaction is affect-determined and we

        formed when something happens to
        us in our childhood — an emotional                     are therefore unable to react adequately
                                                               to a person or situation; we can neither
        trauma, an illness, physical abuse, or
                                                               accept nor modify nor leave that person or
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