Page 14 - September 2022
P. 14

More Ways to See Our Shadow                           we ignore these
                                                               circumstances and

        Another way to see a shadow quality in                 pretend they don’t exist.

        us is in people we avoid. We walk around               Until another individual
        the room if we encounter them or we                    synchronistically shows
        will ghost them. Ghosting them means                   up in our everyday life,

        that even if this person reaches out to                bringing into focus some
        us to initiate contact, they’re met with               of those characteristics we

        complete silence. Or when we ourselves                 have tried to avoid seeing
        start screaming at someone or someone                  in ourselves. Because
        starts shrieking at us, often this too is a            everything and everyone

        shadow quality coming out. We will feel                is energy and because they
        as if whoever they are is totally against              will have similar energy to

        our principles, moral values and ideals,               our own, we will continue
        so we’ll feel justified in our reaction.               to draw these individuals
                                                               or circumstances to us.

        We can also sound as if we are possessed               In the book, The Inner
        when describing someone who is                         Planets by Astrologers

        carrying our shadow for us. Our voice                  Howard Sasportas and Liz Greene who is
        often changes pitch, and we tend to use                also a Jungian analyst, Howard Sasportas
        highly charged adjectives to describe their  says,

        behavior. If we catch ourselves going on
        and on about someone and we call this                  “You want a formula. I’ll give you a

        person and the next one. We can’t stop                 formula. First, you must not think that
        talking about it because we have a huge                you are a terrible person because you feel
        emotional charge. This is a real clue that             nasty things like rage. We are human,

        another shadow trait is again making its               and by virtue of being human, we all have
        way into the forefront, trying to get your             some degree of lust, rage, envy, greed, and

        attention. It’s a good idea to get to know             so on inside us. Many people are more
        this person as they are likely carrying                than happy to deny what they believe
        (through projection) a part of your own                are primitive or uncivilized instincts and

        psyche. To paraphrase Shakespeare, “Me                 emotions, but how can you transform
        thinks thou doth protest too much!”                    something if you deny it even exists?

                                                               Accept these states as part of your human
        We all have too much we feel guilty                    inheritance and stop thinking you are
        about, too much we don’t want to                       horrid and unworthy for entertaining

        remember or look at, weaknesses we                     such feelings. It is psychologically clumsy
        would rather avoid. Consequently,                      to try to transform anything you are
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