Page 15 - September 2022
P. 15

condemning. If you start by            times does something have to happen to
                        recognizing and accepting              you for something to occur to you?”

                        the existence of these states
                        within you, the groundwork             When you hear negative mind talk that

                        is then laid for dealing with          shifts you into judgment, ask yourself, “what
                        them.”                                 am I judging here; what am I not willing
                                                               to embrace; what is the opposite that could

                        When we blame others                   very well be in my unconscious?” Take any
                        and see every problem as               personal characteristic. For example: You see

                        being only in them, then               others as selfish and greedy while mentally
                        we are back to square one              contrasting yourself as selfless and giving, or
                        and then we have to start              you encourage others to become dependent

                        all over again because the             on you only to end up resenting it. We do
                        unconscious is relentless              these things unconsciously to ourselves.

                        in its ability to bring us
                        the same situation over                In Meeting the Shadow, which is a
                        and over. This is painful              compilation of essays, Ken Wilber says,

                        because we                Embrace both                “Does it inform you about

        will have to acknowledge                                              their behavior or does it
        our own capacity for                    sides for balance             affect you emotionally?” If
        whatever it is we find so             because the rejected  it affects you emotionally, it

        reprehensible in them and                qualities do not             is about you. These people
        that is exceedingly difficult         cease to exist simply           are brought to us as a gift

        for our ego. Think about                                              if we will look at them
        it — you’re asking me to               because they have              differently. We can’t change
        look at these difficult and            been denied direct  others, but we can change

        challenging people as                        expression.              our own minds.
        MIRRORS FOR ME? Yes.

        Despite this uncomfortable fact, take                  And doing Shadow work is not about
        comfort in the understanding that we                   getting rid of anything, it’s about
        needed this particular mirror to achieve               including more. MORE OF YOU! I am

        wholeness. The Self in us is orchestrating             this and I am that too. Embrace both
        all of these events, situations and people             sides for balance because the rejected

        whenever we are unwilling to see our                   qualities do not cease to exist simply
        own blind spots and create balance for                 because they have been denied direct
        ourselves. My teacher, Episcopalian                    expression. Instead, they live on within

        priest and Jungian Analyst, J. Pittman                 us and form this secondary personality
        McGehee, D.D. once said, “How many                     that Jung calls our shadow.
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