Page 17 - September 2022
P. 17

mind can take things apart and put things
                                                               back together, and this ability to keep

                                                               accurate details is astounding where
                                                               others would have lost their way. Actually,

                                                               they turn this need for perfectionism
                                                               most often on themselves as they
                                                               modestly appear quiet and unobtrusive

                                                               about their own considerable expertise.

                                                                      Now, what can be in the


                                                               The opposite sign of the zodiac is
                                                               Pisces which describes a much more
                                                               malleable, fluid, and chaotic way of being

                                                               in the world often identified strongly
                                                               with victim consciousness. There is a

                                                               distinct lack of solid boundaries in this
                                                               sign which has a strong connection to
                                                               the archetypal energy of the collective

                                                               unconscious and therefore sees no

        prepare food or clean up the kitchen after a           division, no need for dissecting, judging,
        social event. They are always willing to lend          or discriminating as all is one and one

        a helping hand making them a great friend,             is all for Pisces. Having a boundless
        coworker or employee that can be counted               compassion, this sign can also want to
        on to be there whenever they see a need.               serve but unlike Virgo’s need for order
                                                               and differentiation, this sign can lose

        They are also adept at seeing what can be              itself to the needs of others becoming

        fixed not only in situations but in others             martyr-like, often sacrificing themselves,
        although this can come off to the other                confusing sympathy for love, becoming
        person they seek to improve as nagging,                addicted to rescuing others they think

        criticism, and fault-finding. Seeking                  they can save. Pisces is often very loving
        perfection, they always know a better                  and self-abnegating but can also easily be

        way to do everything making things                     delusional, romantic dreamers who live
        unnecessarily difficult. For instance, when            in a fantasy world of their imagination
        you are putting things in the dishwasher,              instead of the reality of here and now.

        they will take them out and rearrange the              Cheaters, saying they are confused, they
        dishes. Their exacting and meticulous                  will create deception and illusions. Never

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