Page 22 - September 2022
P. 22


             Astrological Insights for September 2022

        The month of September is very eventful  anxieties, communication breakdowns,
        from the planetary energy standpoint.                  unexpected delays, frustrations, missing

                                                               deadlines, unforeseen obstacles, and
        One of the most important events of                    disappointment in daily chores.

        the month is the Saturn-Uranus square
        that happens during Sept 15 – Oct                      Saturn’s return to the sidereal Capricorn
        23 as they square each other within 1                  on July 14 joining Pluto continues

        degree. While the significance of the                  the course of destructive and fearful
        energy of this square is outlined below                period, war like atmosphere, future

        in detail, the most striking aspect of this            uncertainties, senseless killings and
        square would most likely be                                           chaotic situations all around
        evident in clashes between the  a potential for                       the world, especially in the

        democratic and totalitarian             profound spiritual            United States and Ukraine.
        regimes of the world,                       growth, both              The uncertainties and

        especially between the Unites                                         anxieties will clearly be
        States and Russia, United                    individually             reflected in the volatile world
        States and China.                         and collectively            financial markets.

                                                   is an amazing
        However, on a positive note,               silver lining of           As the Neptune returns to

        a potential for profound                                              the sidereal Aquarius around
        spiritual growth, both                     this materially            September 17, we will likely see
        individually and collectively is              destructive             a temporary but a sudden shift

        an amazing silver lining of this          Uranus-Saturn               in our collective consciousness.
        materially destructive Uranus-                   square.              This shift is likely to prove

        Saturn square.                                                        to be a confusing one. While
                                                               the Pisces is a perfect sign for spiritual
        On September 10, Mercury becomes                       Neptune, the next best sign for Neptune is

        retrograde in sidereal Virgo. It will stay             the humanitarian air sign Aquarius.  Pisces
        retrograde in Virgo until October 2.                   Neptune is that of heart while the Aquarius

        Typically, retrograde Mercury means                    Neptune operates from mind. Therefore,
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