Page 24 - September 2022
P. 24
Clashes between Democratic and totalitarian regimes
(Sept 15 – Oct 23)
One of the most important and business and political leaders. In
dangerous planetary combinations of scientific and technological areas expect
2022 is the Capricorn Saturn and Aries some drastic changes and emerging
Uranus square, which occurs within one new ideas will find their ways into
degree during Sept 15-Oct 23. innovations and discoveries. Since the
characteristics of Uranus are closely
Aries being a fire and cardinal sign is tied with that of the United States
very suitable for brilliant, independent, as a country (especially the states of
ambitious, energetic, impulsive, California, Oregon, and Washington) a
and crazy Uranus. The changes in likelihood of serious natural and man-
world political landscape have been made calamity, political and financial
tremendously influenced by Uranus’s upheaval is very strong.
transit in Aries.
Thus, the manifestation of this
Now, combine the Uranus’s energy with challenging planetary square is likely
that of steadfast and subtle but very to be reflected in both the natural
powerful energy of Capricorn Saturn and man-made calamities causing
through its challenging square with destruction and loss of lives during this
Uranus. It’s a perfect combination for period. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if
material world disasters including the an intense battle emerges between the
natural calamities. Unless these energies right wing republicans and the left wing
are properly understood, the man- democrats not only in congress but all
made problems might include increased over the country that might last through
friction between world powers (USA- this period.
Russia and China) perhaps resulting into
war-like climate. However, a potential for profound
spiritual growth, both individually and
The people who are likely to be most collectively is an amazing silver lining
affected by this square are military of this materially destructive Uranus-
personnel, people in power such as Saturn square.