Page 27 - September 2022
P. 27

Neptune’s temporary return to the

                               Sidereal Aquarius (Sept 17 - Feb 16)

        As the Neptune returns to the sidereal                 persistent, strong will, humane, musical,
        Aquarius around September 17, we are                   open-minded, impersonal, intuitive,
        likely see a temporary but a sudden shift  introvert, and ascetic. These qualities

        in the collective consciousness. This                  complement reasonably well with
        shift is likely to prove to be a confusing             qualities of Neptune that include: spiritual,

        one. While the Pisces is a perfect sign                intuitive, divine, psychic, magical, highly
        for spiritual Neptune, the next best sign              emotional, moody, clairvoyant, inspiration,
        for Neptune is the humanitarian air sign  imaginative, compassionate and mystical.

        Aquarius.  Pisces Neptune is that of heart
        while the Aquarius Neptune operates                    Aquarius, being the sign for academics,

        from mind. Therefore, for the next six                 scientists, musicians, paranormal people,
        months, a departure of spiritual Neptune  and philosophers, these respective

        from Pisces to the humanity friendly                   fields will go through a significant
        Aquarius is also positive for Neptune.                 transformation to reflect the new
                                                               norms of morality and ethics, advances

        Aquarius being an air and fixed sign                   in science and technology keeping in
        ruled by Saturn, some of its significant               line with steady progress in longevity,

        characteristics are: intelligent, mentally             and creation of arts and music that
        powerful, artistic, talented, patient,                 accompanies our spiritual progress.

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