Page 30 - September 2022
P. 30

Trending: Food Preservation

                    Preserving Fruit in


          We continue the series on food preservation, and today we are talking about how to

                                             preserve fruit using alcohol.

        Fruit has a long history of getting                    Similar to salt and sugar, alcohol draws
        preserved in alcohol. In the 18th century  water out of food, and this is how

        Europe, fruits like peaches, cherries,                 it inhibits microbial growth. Using
        and apricots submerged in brandy were                  this method, you can store food for

        served as a popular dessert.                           years. Quality flavorless vodka is one
                                                               of the most common mediums for
        The great thing about preserving fruit                 preservation, but you can also use

        in alcohol is that you create a delicious              rum, brandy, or cognac, and even wine
        fruit enhanced with the flavor of the                  (as long as the alcohol content is 15%

        alcohol you use to preserve it in but also             and higher). Experiment with various
        the alcohol takes on the flavor of the                 berries and fruits: blackberry, raspberry,
        fruit creating a delicious liqueur that                blueberry, cranberry, strawberry, apples,

        you can use to make drinks, cocktails,                 cherry, apricots, citrus, and more. You
        or aperitifs. Homemade tinctures can                   can add sugar and some amount of water

        also be a tasty elixir with a variety of               to dilute the alcohol. Here are a couple of
        medicinal properties.                                  interesting recipes:

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