Page 31 - September 2022
P. 31

Raspberry Tincture Recipe                              Rumtopf

        Ripe raspberry berries - 3 lb                          Rumtopf is a German method of
        Vodka – 500 ml                                         preserving food in rum. You can use any

        Sugar - 100 grams                                      fruits you like (exclude bananas) and cover
        One glass of pre-boiled water                          them fully in rum. This summer project

        Wash the raspberries and sort them out.                makes great Christmas gifts for friends and
        Place the berries in a glass jar and mash              family. It’s like conserving the last summer
        them (mashing is optional). Pour the whole  in a jar and then sharing it as a delicious

        volume of vodka and stir. Keep raspberries             alcoholic treat which can be enjoyed on
        in a room temperature for 5 days stirring              top of ice cream or other desserts. Apples,

        daily. After 5 days, add sweet syrup to the            pears, peach, plum, pineapple, berries will
        infusion, which you prepare using 200 ml               work great for the rumtopf. You can start
        of water and 100 grams of sugar. For that,             it in September, and in December divide

        add sugar to boiling water and wait a minute  it to smaller portions using smaller sized
        for sugar to dissolve completely. Cool down  glass jars (rumtopf looks great). Place a

        the syrup and add to the raspberry tincture.  festive ribbon, and let your friends, family,
        Your tincture is ready to use in 2 weeks. You  and neighbors know that you have been
        don’t have to store in a refrigerator after that.  thinking about them all along!

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