Page 36 - September 2022
P. 36


        Vegetable Turmeric Soup

        Ingredients                                            Directions

        4 cups vegetable broth                                 Method 1: Add all ingredients to a soup
        1/3 cup white rice                                     pot and cover. Bring to a boil, then
        3 large carrots, chopped                               reduce the heat and cook for about 15

        1 large crown broccoli, chopped                        minutes or until the vegetables have
        1/2 red bell pepper, chopped                           reached the desired consistency.

        1 medium zucchini squash
        1 cup full-fat coconut milk                            Method 2: This method will make the
        2 inches fresh ginger, peeled and grated               broth a bit more flavorful. Add the broth,

        1 tsp turmeric                                         turmeric, and ginger to the pot and bring
        2 tbsp lime juice                                      to a boil. Gently boil for 10 minutes

        2 tbsp coconut aminos or soy sauce                     before adding the other ingredients.
        1/2 tsp sea salt                                       Cook again for 15-20 minutes.

                                                               Serve hot, with crusty bread if desired.


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