Page 37 - September 2022
P. 37


        Creamy Turmeric Chicken

        Ingredients                                            Push the onions to the edges of the pan
        2 tbsp unsalted butter                                 and place the chicken in the middle,
        1 medium yellow onion, sliced thin                     seasoned side down. Sprinkle with more

        1 tbsp peeled and minced fresh turmeric  salt. Cook until the chicken begins to
        root                                                   brown, about 4 minutes. Do not let the

        1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper                    turmeric burn.
        1/2 tsp kosher salt
        1 1/2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs Use tongs to flip the chicken and cook

        1 1/2 tsp ground turmeric                              for two more minutes. Pour in the wine
        12 cup dry white wine                                  and, with a wooden spoon, scrap the

        1/2 cup heavy cream                                    bottom of the pan. Cook another minute
        1/2 cup low sodium chicken broth                       before pouring in the cream and broth,
        Cooked basmati rice                                    stirring gently.

        Chopped cilantro
                                                               Reduce the heat to medium-low and

        Directions                                             cover, cooking until the chicken reaches
        In a 12 inch or larger skillet, melt the               at least 165 degrees Farenheit. This could
        butter over medium heat. Add the onion,  take up to 20 minutes. Serve with the rice

        fresh turmeric, pepper, and 1/2 tsp of                 and garnish with cilantro.
        salt. Cook and stir occasionally until the

        onions are soft. Place the chicken on a                Enjoy!
        plate, smooth side up. Season with salt
        and the ground turmeric.

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