Page 26 - September 2022
P. 26

Saturn’s return to sidereal Capricorn
                                           (July 14 – April 15, 2023)

        On July 14, Saturn with its retrograde                 get transformed to new settings due to a
        motion returned to sidereal Capricorn                  drastic change (mostly) at material and

        and it will stay in Capricorn until April              psychological levels. In my opinion, despite
        15, 2023.                                              a painful period of frustration due to
                                                               unexpected drastic changes in life, it’s going

        Capricorn being the earth and cardinal                 to be an exciting period for those who have
        sign, Saturn’s energy has strongly been                dominant Saturn in their birth chart and

        reflected in the volatility and changes in             have Pisces, Aries, Leo, and Scorpio as their
        the world financial markets, especially                natal ninefold (Navamansha) ascendant.
        the energy markets, economy, and

        material expansion- contraction.                       Furthermore, the Saturn’s return to
        Entrepreneurs, business leaders, politicians,  the sidereal Capricorn on July 14,

        philanthropists, philosophers, scientists,             joining Pluto will certainly not let up
        reformers, and to some extent monks                    the destructive and fearful period, war
        will shape the future of the world. Those              like atmosphere, effect of the climate

        who have Saturn in Capricorn (Saturn                   changes, future uncertainties, senseless
        return) in their natal charts will be                  killings and chaotic situations all around

        experiencing Saturn’s energy as their lives            the world, especially in the United States.

                          Is Russian-Ukraine war and senseless

                                         killings… going away?

                                         Like in August, during September
                                        the momentum of the war between
                                      Russia and Ukraine will continue with

                                     unprecedented casualties on both sides.
                                      It’s very likely that US involvement in

                                    this war become more prominent due to
                                    the Uranus-Saturn square (Sept 15 – Oct
                                      23). Until Saturn completely returns to

                                     Aquarius (April 2023), the Ukraine war
                                           is likely to continue its course.

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