Page 25 - September 2022
P. 25

Unprecedented Political Turmoil,

                         Violence, and Social Unrest in the USA

                                               (June 21 – Sept 20)

        The north lunar node, Rahu, has been                   the attack on the US Capitol), natural
        in conjunction with Uranus in sidereal                 and man-made calamities including

        Aries within three degrees during June                 west coast wildfires, continued racial
        21 - Sept 20. As a result, Rahu’s karmic               violence, senseless killings are likely to

        energy will certainly be on display                    get intensified during this period.
        during this conjunction period.  It will
        certainly impact the political climate                 The positive side of this planetary event

        (Aries) of the United States (Uranus) in a  allows the process of much needed
        big way as this period directly confronts              transformation for the United States as

        with the country’s Karma (Rahu).                       it is starting to break this frustrating and
                                                               agonizing cycle.
        The political turmoil and social

        unrest in the United States (due to the                Incidentally a future US president
        overturning of the Roe vs Wade, Jan 6                  is likely to be born during June 21 –

        hearing bringing out the facts behind                  Sept 20.

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