Page 28 - September 2022
P. 28

Global Insights

        The important challenging possibilities                Russia and the United States is likely
        for August include:                                    to spike over Ukraine war during this

        Aug 29 – Sept 4:  A new wave of                        period.  Also, the friction between China

        renewed violence in Ukraine, Israel, and  and USA will remain unabated.
        Palestinian region, as well as a possible
        outbreak of terrorism somewhere around  The important auspicious possibilities
        the world during these days.                           for September include:

        Sept 11-24:  An outbreak of violence                   Sept 23-28: The religious leaders who
        or terrorist activities in Middle-East.                are willing to be open-minded, ready to

        Also, possibilities of natural as well as              align with the needs of humanity and
        man-made calamities cannot be ruled                    act on new and fresh ideas are the ones
        out during this period. Tension between                that going to transform our religious

        Israelis and Palestinians will remain                  world to a new level. Those that are rigid
        unabated. Some of the east-European                    and dogmatic are going to face serious

        countries, Russia, Ukraine and China as                challenges and fade away with time.
        well may experience political and social
        turmoil.                                               The countries that are more likely to be

        Sept 15 - Oct 23:  Social or political                 affected during this month are:  United
        turmoil in USA, Russia and/or China.                   States, Russia, Ukraine, China, Europe,

        More importantly friction between                      and the Middle Eastern countries,
                                                               especially Israel and Palestine region.

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