Page 18 - September 2022
P. 18

satisfied, they are like a bottomless pit as  become conscious of a characteristic or a
        they can exhibit chronic discontent.                   trait we perceive as negative, it doesn’t give

                                                               us permission to act it out. What we now
        This sign can find itself unable to cope               have is more consciousness and this gives us

        with life and its vicissitudes. Most of all,           more choices about staying in balance with
        they desire to escape the harsh reality that  others and ourselves. That’s the real goal.
        worldly responsibilities require of them,

        which can lead to becoming a freeloader                There are many things we as human
        or swindler with a susceptibility to drug              beings agree are immoral and they should

        and alcohol addictions, or otherwise                   be. We are civilized and accountable for
        passively waiting around for someone or                a reason. We have laws to live by and
        something to rescue them. They are also                stop signs or chaos would reign supreme.

        prone to excessive naivety in spiritual                Are we to stand by while someone beats
        guru worship becoming victims of their                 up a child? Are we to turn our back on

        own denial, unwilling to see the reality of            excesses of corruption and greed? I don’t
        charismatic charlatans.                                think so. In owning our own Shadow, our
                                                               conscious position is to acknowledge our

        “Seen from the one-sided view of the                   own greed, our own violence, our own
        conscious attitude, the shadow is an                   capacity to be ruthless and still have the

        inferior component of the personality                  moral courage to not act it out. It is only
        and is frequently repressed through                    when we think we don’t have something
        intensive resistance. But the repressed                we perceive in others as negative, that it

        content must be made conscious so                      splits off as a complex and creates a life of
        as to produce a tension of opposites,                  its own and then unfortunately for us as

        without which no forward movement is                   Jung says, “We don’t have it. It has us!”
        possible. The conscious mind is on top,
        the shadow underneath, and just as high                To be continued …

        always longs for low and hot for cold, so
        all consciousness, perhaps without being               Rebeca Eigen

        aware of it, seeks its unconscious opposite,
        lacking which it is doomed to stagnation,
        congestion, and ossification. Life is born

        only of the spark of opposites.”
        — Carl G. Jung, Two Essays in Analytical

        Psychology, paragraph78

        After years of doing “Shadow Work,” I

        agree with Jung’s assessment that once we
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